Creative Ways to Save Money on Auto Service

Welcome to my blog. My name is Lori, and I love to travel. As a result, I have to cut costs in other areas and that includes car service. If you are looking for ways to cut corners or to do a bit of service work yourself, I am here to help. In this blog, I plan to educate you about which auto service repairs are essential, which can be deferred and which you can do yourself. I also plan to show you how maintenance can help you save money in the long run. Get comfortable and take a look at these posts. If they help you save money, please share them with your friends.

Are You Being Too Blasé About Your Tyre Pressure?


It seems strange that vehicle manufacturers do not include a good quality tyre inflator and pressure gauge whenever they sell you a new car or truck. Yet this particular tool is really important and can, in certain circumstances, be a lifesaver, so long as the vehicle owner gets into the habit of using it. What can happen if your tyres are not correctly inflated, and why should you get in the habit of checking them often in addition to pumping them up?

Taking Things for Granted

Your tyres are designed to operate under certain conditions and to be inflated according to the manufacturer's recommendations. This information is contained within the owner's manual and on a plate hidden by the driver's door jam. Yet, many motorists take tyres for granted, and unless they can see that each tyre is visibly underinflated, they may not take the time to check pressures at a service station when they should.

The Consequences of Under Inflation

As the kilometres go by, each tyre will gradually deflate as the surface rolls across the asphalt and has to deal with friction. Some of the air will escape from the surface and some more from the valve stem. Indeed, the tyre will gradually lose its intended shape, causing the remaining air within to overheat. If you drive on a motorway, the tyre will heat up even more, and there is a danger that some of the rubber layers may begin to separate. When this happens, the metal frame that holds the tyre carcass together may also bend or even break in places, leading to a bubble or bulge on the sidewall. In the worst-case scenario, the tyre will burst, and if this should happen at high speed, the consequences could be severe.

First Job

So, if you do not have a digital tyre inflator and pressure gauge, do yourself a favour and invest in one. Check your pressure regularly and adjust as needed — and never embark on a long journey without doing so.

Second Job

Next, look at your calendar and schedule a regular visit to a tyre fitter. They will inspect each tyre and look for any anomalies, like scuffing, bubbles, cracks or even embedded nails. If they find something untoward, they may need to make adjustments to your vehicle's wheel alignment or give you further advice about your general motoring habits. However, you will certainly be able to take to the road with better peace of mind.

Talk to an auto shop that sells tyres for more information.  


28 March 2022