Creative Ways to Save Money on Auto Service

Welcome to my blog. My name is Lori, and I love to travel. As a result, I have to cut costs in other areas and that includes car service. If you are looking for ways to cut corners or to do a bit of service work yourself, I am here to help. In this blog, I plan to educate you about which auto service repairs are essential, which can be deferred and which you can do yourself. I also plan to show you how maintenance can help you save money in the long run. Get comfortable and take a look at these posts. If they help you save money, please share them with your friends.

Considerations When Buying Industrial Machinery Tyres


Industrial machinery tyres are used on trucks and plant equipment such as tractors and excavators. Suppose you intend to purchase these tyres; what considerations would you make? Below is an excerpt with some valuable insights. 


The tyre quality differs across the various manufacturers. Therefore, consider some background research to establish which companies make durable tyres. Client reviews on the company's social media pages and professional assessments on motoring blogs would be an excellent starting point. Further, check whether the company complies with local or international tyre manufacturing standards. For instance, do the tyres have any certification? Are the tyres recommended by professional bodies? Finally, assess the manufacturer warranty on the tyre. It gives insights into whether the manufacturer trusts the durability of the tyre. 

Tyre Design

These tips should help you select a suitable industrial machinery tyre design. 

  • The tyre's sidewalls must be flexible. This way, you can run them at lower pressure, which means your tractor or plant equipment does not compact or damage the surface while operating.
  • What type of tread does the tyre have? Deep treads are best suited for off-road applications where you need traction.
  • Do the tyres have a radial or bias-ply structure? Tyres with a radial structure are considered to be more versatile and durable. However, they are a bit expensive.
  • What is the tyre's maximum load? Ideally, it should match or exceed the gross vehicle mass of the tractor or plant equipment.  

Tyre Size

Check the user manual to establish the recommended tyre size. Some people are tempted to purchase larger tyres to improve the ground clearance of their plant equipment. However, this is not advisable. For instance, if you significantly increase the tyre width or sidewall, the tyres could contact suspension components or the equipment's body. As a result, the tyre will wear out quickly. Besides, you could damage the parts that come into contact with the tyre. If you wish to upgrade the tyre size, consult a mechanic to determine the upgrade options and whether the equipment requires suspension adjustments to accommodate the larger tyres. 


The rule is to compare the tyre quality against its pricing. Ideally, durable tyres are bound to cost more than low-quality tyres. However, you can take advantage of discount coupons from dealers and complimentary services such as free shipping or installation. Some people could opt to purchase used tyres to save costs. If this is your case, thoroughly examine the tyre to establish its condition and longevity. 

Contact an auto service for more information about industrial machinery tyres


16 June 2022